Our ongoing conservation efforts have helped the wetlands retain a thriving and functional ecosystem that is home to a diverse assortment of birds, frogs and other fauna that have been attracted to the area. The Brixton St wetlands are synonymous with Kenwick and contribute towards the local landscape and character which are often points of reference of the urban and rural areas of the coastal plain. The significance of the Brixton St wetlands and the associated wetlands to the north west, including the Yule Brook Reserve, is that they represent the second largest and most floristically diverse palusplain between Gingin and Mandurah.
The Wetlands are also an important component in the natural and partially artificial hydrological systems which control the movement and quality of water across the coastal plain. For example, storm-water is often directed to wetlands which in turn may discharge to the groundwater or to streams. Wetland vegetation is known to filter out nutrients and thus improve water quality. The plants and animals and the ecosystems they constitute together with the surrounding physical environment represent natural resources which are part of the heritage of Australia and are of potential value to future generations.
Our activity days help ensure the ongoing conservation of this important region that has great natural value and continued benefits to us as a community.