

To help preserve this fragile environment, the Friends convene regularly to help maintain the wetlands by seed collecting, planting and weeding. The Friends observe a series of guidelines that have been established to prevent the further loss or degradation of these valuable wetlands, and promote wetland conservation, creation and restoration.

Our management practices include:

  • Maintaining a variety of habitats to provide feeding, breeding and seasonal needs of fauna, in particular the Quenda.
  • Restoration that focuses on augmenting natural regeneration and maintain the distinctive local flora.
  • To maintain these viable wild populations, the species and genetic diversity of wetland dependent flora and fauna.
  • To maintain the abundance of waterbird populations, particularly migratory species.
  • Using propagation material which is derived from locally collected seed/cuttings etc.
  • Clearing the waters of any refuse.
  • Conducting surveys to ensure the hydrological status of  the wetlands.
  • Maintaining paths for public access and repairing fences.
  • To greatly increase community awareness and appreciation of the many values of wetlands, and the importance of sound management of wetlands and their catchments in the maintenance of those values.

altona-displayThe interpretive display established at the Altona Street entrance features some of these guidelines as well as the appropriate behaviour required in the Wetlands. It also includes information on the natural values of the area, in particular the annual renewal of the flora, the impact of fire, dieback, weed invasion etc., and the flora and fauna that are protected including tadpoles.

Our maintenance efforts ensures the community can share in the peace, tranquility and the ongoing cycle of life in the Brixton Street Wetlands without putting this cycle at risk.